+968 9403 2298
Muscat Governorate / Bousher / North Aludhaybah 130 1582

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Our specialists are engaged in technological support of almost all major industrial projects in Oman and some countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

+968 9403 2298
Muscat Governorate / Bousher / North Aludhaybah 130 1582

About us

We strive to provide high-tech manufacturing enterprises in Oman and other countries of the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East with productive, safe and cost-effective engineering solutions based on equipment manufactured by leading manufacturers in the gas and oil production, shipbuilding and ship repair industries.

The specialists of AL Shanfari SI are constantly working on the selection and implementation of the most modern and productive specialized equipment in the engineering projects of their customers.

The bowels of Oman are rich in oil and natural gas. Almost the entire territory of Oman is included in the Persian Gulf oil and gas basin, only a narrow strip of the coast of the Gulf of Oman with the adjacent shelf belongs to the Oman-Mekran oil and gas basin. About 100 small-scale hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered in the country, which are concentrated in the north, center and south-west areas. The largest oil and gas fields are Yibal, Bahja, Fahud, Harvil, Lekhvair, Marmul, Nimr, Karn-Alam, Amal, Natih, etc.; gas and oil and gas fields are Kauter, Sayh-Nihaida, Sayh-Raul, Hazzan, Ma-karem, etc.

Oil is diverse in density: in the northern and central areas, light predominate, in the southwest - mainly heavy, sulphurous. Prospects for the discovery of new oil and gas fields are associated with the south-east and southern districts. The coastal areas and the shelf of the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea are also of interest.

We cooperate with the world's leading manufacturers of industrial aggregates that supply products meeting the highest international quality and safety standards, which is extremely important for industries related to oil and gas refining, the production of fuels and lubricants and work with aggressive chemical environments that carry a potential threat to the environment and human health.

That is why we consider the use of only the most reliable samples of specialized equipment, confirmed by the relevant quality certificates, a priority task at the current stage of development of the oil and gas industry.

To achieve our goals and promptly provide our customers with the fullest possible range of engineering services, AL Shanfari Synergy International carries out state-licensed activities, including the following main areas: Construction of buildings, Main renovations and additions, Retail sale of petroleum industries equipment, Retail Sale of electronic and electric equipment, Activites of export and import offices.

Manufacturers and partners

The specialists of AL Shanfari SI are constantly working on the selection and implementation of the most modern and productive specialized equipment in the engineering projects of their customers. We cooperate with the world's leading manufacturers of industrial aggregates that supply products meeting the highest international quality and safety standards, which is extremely important for industries related to oil and gas refining, the production of fuels and lubricants and work with aggressive chemical environments that carry a potential threat to the environment and human health. That is why we consider the use of only the most reliable samples of specialized equipment, confirmed by the relevant quality certificates, a priority task at the current stage of development of the oil and gas industry.

Key projects and facilities

Oman's industry includes a complex of modern high-tech industries in the field of gas and oil production, transportation and raw materials, processing of petroleum products, production of fuels and lubricants and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, ship repair, as well as electricity production both on the basis of burned fuel and in the field of high-tech solutions for green energy. Our specialists are engaged in technological support of almost all major industrial projects in Oman and some countries of the Arabian Peninsula. Along with the introduction of new solutions, our project portfolio includes regular deliveries of frequently-replaced components and assemblies and consumables for various equipment.

  • Crude Oil Tanker «GRAND LADY»

  • Sohar I refinery


  • Mina al fahal refinery

  • Bulk Carrier «SOHAR MAX»

  • Oman Dry Dock

  • Duqm refinery

  • Mina al fahal export terminal

  • Qalhat LNG plant

  • Oman LNG plant

  • Barca 1 TPP

  • Sukhara ferrochrome smelting plant

  • Sohar Aluminum Smelter

Environmental policy

Being a leading company in the field of providing specialized equipment to enterprises of the raw materials sector, AL Shanfari SI is aware of the importance of preserving Oman's natural resources, its ecological diversity, and protecting flora and fauna.

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Al Shanfari Synergy International

Our specialists are engaged in technological support of almost all major industrial projects in Oman and some countries of the Arabian Peninsula.
About us
Key projects and facilities
Environmental policy
For suppliers